Cheese Me

Cheese Me puts the 'cute' in charcuterie boards with perfectly packaged boxes that make enjoying gourmet cheeses, meats, and toppings both effortless and entertaining.


Brand Strategy
Brand Voice
Brand Identity

Product Creation
Packaging Design

1 overview


Cheese Me, a burgeoning small, female-owned business, faced a challenge: how to scale the personalized charm of made-to-order charcuterie boards without losing their essence. While enjoying a fair amount of charcuterie board tastings, we determined the answer lay in innovative packaging that preserved the brand's commitment to quality while increasing convenience, enjoyment, and fun. This solution allowed Cheese Me to streamline its operations and expand its reach, offering customers an on-demand indulgence that could be delivered within the hour. Or as we like to say, “Less Whine. More Cheese.”

Brand Strategy & Voice

Cheese Me's brand strategy is built on the pillars of accessibility, indulgence, and entertainment. Imagined as 'The TikTok of Charcuterie Boards,' the brand taps into the zeitgeist of shareable, engaging moments in which the camera eats first but your taste buds are a quick second. With a tone that's cheeky yet charming, the brand positions itself as the life of any party, an entertainer that makes every moment cheese-worthy. The brand’s playful personality guides consumers to create a series of gourmet Perfect Bites that transcend snacking into memorable moments that “aim to cheese.”

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Brand Identity

Cheese Me's identity is designed to be as appetizing as its offerings. The logo—a stylized wordmark accompanied by a whimsical dripping cheese icon in the brand’s signature octagonal shape—exudes playfulness and accessibility. The brand's color palette, a vibrant set of reds and yellows, is as bold and inviting as the flavors it encapsulates. Typography channels the experience of mixing and matching ingredients to create delicious bites, with a series of font treatments that interplay with one another in graphic compositions. In addition, custom shapes, hand-drawn elements, and layouts guide users through the Cheese Me journey, one delightful bite at a time.

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Packaging stands at the forefront of the brand's innovation. Each box is fully plastic-free and made using food-safe cardboard stock. The packaging has been custom-engineered into a signature octagonal shape that quickly becomes as recognizable as the brand’s graphic language. Cheese Me’s packaging comes in three sizes. The 'Cheese Me,' 'Cheese Us,' and 'Cheese Everyone' boxes serve individual, small group, and large gatherings, respectively, each with a unique signature color, size, and set of ingredients ensuring the right fit for every occasion.

Each box invites users to explore a world of cheese, meat, and accouterments with elevated ease. Lids playfully share the contents of their boxes while affixing to the base of each box. Central to the experience, the underside of each lid serves as a visual menu of delicious “Perfect Bites” that combine the curated ingredients into unique taste combinations. Guests are instructed to follow these guides to create the perfect bite every time. These lids also serve as plates for on-the-go snacking at picnics or anywhere the moment takes you. A 'Perfect Bite' station in the center, contains crackers tucked underneath, which are then placed atop the station to assemble delicious gourmet bites with cheeses, meats, and toppings. Underneath each ingredient, the box includes a playful message such as “less board, more cheese” creating moments of delight throughout your experience.


Cheese Me’s photography includes sculptural “Perfect Bite” photography with inventive recreations of each signature menu item. The brand’s lifestyle photography builds off of themes of play and community with the inclusion of game boards, the stacking of boxes, and the inclusion of scenes of delicious bites and paired beverages.

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Website Design & Development

Cheese Me's website is designed to be as experiential as its packaging with fun animations, playful copywriting, and drool-worthy food photography featured throughout each and every page.

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Raphael is a true creative genius behind so many revolutionary businesses. He took a hands-on approach helping me reintroduce my business to the world in a new light. He was present for every meeting and creative session, always available by phone, and always by my side. His team is just as supportive, creative, and responsive as him.

Truffl’s greatest asset is knowing how to create an experience and tell a story. They hit it out of the park with this comprehensive project. They helped transform our product offering and rebrand our company, giving me the tools to appeal to new demographics and expand for years to come. I never get tired of hearing from everyone how much they now love my brand and I’m forever grateful to the Truffl team for it.

Neakyn Boroujerdi, Cheese Me | Founder & CEO