Featured Press


Explorer Cold Brew in the Dieline

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Truffl Inspires A Morning Routine That Celebrates The Spirit of Discovery With Explorer Coffee

The Dieline shared their thoughts on our branding and packaging of Explorer Cold Brew. They highlighted the dynamic packaging system for the brand - featuring an organized system with unique elements for each product, such as custom illustrations, names, shapes and patterns. The result is an elevated coffee brand that stands out as a whole coffee shop experience, now available, conveniently, from the comfort of your home.

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"Rather than taking our cues from other beverage brands, our main source of inspiration was drawn from heritage perfumers and candle makers like Cire Trudon and Diptyque," shared Raphael Farasat, CEO and creative director of TRUFFL. "Our brand narrative is rooted in elevating one's day; candles are unique in their ability to elevate and enhance our sensory experience. We sought to impart the same sensibility by association."

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truffl branding explorer the process low


"Inspired by the outdoorsy nature of Explorer’s name, the brand’s primary color is a smart and rich shade of green. From there, we use color to distinguish Explorer’s products based on their caffeine content ranging from soft pink for their decaf SKUs to a rich blue for their highly-caffeinated SKUs," says Farasat. "Other graphic elements such as the brand’s illustrations, typography, and borders are sharp and masculine to create visual balance with the brand’s color palette and provide clarity of communication on labels given the layers of key product information that needed to be efficiently conveyed."

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Read the full article here.


About Truffl

Truffl is an award-winning Creative Agency & Venture Studio based in Los Angeles. Specializing in branding, strategy, and packaging, Truffl helps clients transform their brands from ordinary to extraordinary, grow their businesses, and bring their visions to life. The agency looks for that extra special something in each client by digging deep to uncover the motivations of company founders in order to create authentic brands that break conventions.


About Explorer

Explorer offers exceptional coffee experiences that elevate your day, starting with a set of premium coffee bases & enhancements.


About Dieline

Dieline is a bespoke creative platform that exists to serve the packaging community. Established in 2007 by Andrew Gibbs, Dieline has become the leading media brand for consumer packaging and consumer brands.

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